REVIEW: Lush Catastrophe Cosmetic Fresh Face Mask
Thursday, May 30, 2013

I got a new thing last week, and after being out in the dusty wind for 4 days, my skin really needed a pick-me-up. This Lush face mask really hit the spot.

When I went to Lush last week with five empty pots to trade in for a fresh face mask. I told the sales associate that I have sensitive skin, but have recently been breaking out for some reason, and she recommended the Catastrophe Cosmetic mask. This mask is fresh made with blueberries and calamine as the main ingredients to help calm redness, and almond and rose oil for moisture.

This mask has a lot of powders in it, so it is very clay-like and dries fairly quickly. It smells really fresh and clean, which is always a plus when you're going to sit with this on your face for a few minutes.

I perhaps kept on my mask on for a little bit long, because I didn't assume that it would dry as fast as it did. This was how it looked when I first smothered the stuff all over my face.

Cut to ten minutes later and here you can see how fast it dried. I used a washcloth with hot water to wipe off the mask, then Bioderma on a cotton pad to get any excess off. It's definitely a two-step process getting all of it off your face. And it took a bit more work getting it out of my eyebrows.

I moisturized with Lush's Celestial moisturizer and came back about twenty minutes later after any redness from me wiping my face off calmed and here was my skin.

As you can see, I've got a couple little blemishes here and there (especially due to my huge nose pores), but my face definitely felt soft and soothed. With the blueberry in the mask and the vanilla and almond in the moisturizer, at this point my bathroom smelled like a damn pie.
Overall, I really loved the mask. The only other face mask I've tried is the Sacred Truth, and I preferred Catastrophe Cosmetic over the Sacred Truth. Unless my skin changes before the next time I have 5 empty pots, I'll probably get this mask again. I loved it!
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